I donate my clothes to the Canadian Diabetes Association.

They take your clothing donations and sell them to thrift shops in order to raise monies.
Did you know that London, Ontario was the birthplace of insulin?

Dr. Banting came up with an idea that eventually lead to the creation of insulin.
Put that info in your "I learned something new today" file. If you already knew that...... good on you!!!
Gotta run.
Very cool! I did not know the birthplace of insulin. A nice tidbit of info - esp. for me - 'cause I'm in the middle of studying for my Registered Dietitian Exam!
I've got three bags in my car right now waiting to be dropped off at Goodwill. Question: do you keep all your race shirts? I'm torn.
I do. and I especially keep all of my daughter's. someday I will turn them into a quilt or something creative. :-)
I do. and I especially keep all of my daughter's. someday I will turn them into a quilt or something creative. :-)
Wow, I didn't know that about insulin. And it got me thinking about how he actually made the discovery. I'll have to Google that one.
Ha, my daughter can do that 7 bag thing! I certainly learned that today, thanks!
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