Friday, May 4, 2012

Great run.

Tuesday was an absolutely beautiful day. I made sure to get out for a run.

With views like this, who wouldn't?

There are many bodies of water to enjoy along the way.

I'm really hoping to see a moose this year.

Do you get to see wildlife during your runs?

Gotta run.


Big Daddy Diesel said...

I seen some on the bike, turkeys, deer, cattle, llamas, yes we saw a llama one time.... in Ohio.... on the bike

Unknown said...

Holy cow...... A llama in Ohio?!?!?!?!?!


Ewa said...

Now that is an awesome place to run. Love it!

Unknown said...

It is awesome Ewa

Johann said...

Beautiful place to run! I love seeing water on my runs. I see game on my trail runs and some small animals sometimes on my road runs. I often see owls.

Unknown said...

Would love to run in your hometown!

Shannon @I Survived and Now I Run said...

We live in Oregon so I get to see wildlife almost every day...I am always running into deer, geese, ducks, it!

Shannon @I Survived and Now I Run said...

oh by the way following you now...follow back if you'd like

Unknown said...

You're really lucky!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the follow :-D