Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rainy 12 miler

I procrastinated...... Ended up having to do a 12 mile run in the wind and freezing rain.

Made this short video to show how much fun it was :-)

My training for the 100 miler is going to start in a couple weeks. I am usually well prepared in advance... ummmm.... I've go to sit down and make a training schedule. I am leaning towards using my 50 mile race plan and incorporating more cross training in lieu of additional running.

Thoughts? Any tips on training for a 100 miler?

Gotta run.


Derek said...

As you know I'm 0-2 on finishing a 100 miler, but when I do train for another one, the number one goal of mine during training will to get more back to back long runs in. I had good mileage this last time but you can't replicate the feeling of dead legs like you can on the Sat/Sun long runs.

Will Cooper said...

lov running in the rain! Just get your weekly miles and long run in for the 100, you will be fine.

northernbliss said...

Love the video and the tunes. How appropriate. Maybe next time you won't procrastinate (look who's talking) and get it done on a nice day.

Katie said...

whoa, i'm so behind in blog reading, 100 miler! i don't have any tips personally, but i've heard from my ultra friends that the long run is the most important piece. awesome!!

Unknown said...

Your blog is very inspiring. I hope you can visit mine and follow me back I look forward to being blog friends.

That Pink Girl said...

100 miles. Wow.
I'm interested to know what kind of training plan you end up following. I'm just overwhelmed and amazed that it's even possible. (but I know you can do it!)