There were about a half dozen people at the gym this evening. I'm so glad that I forced myself to go.
Did 3 mile run... 1 mile elliptical, ab work, 50 pull ups, 100 pushups (10x5 and 10x10 respectively). Don't be impressed with the pull-ups.... Had to use that machine that let's you have some counter weight. I'm a bit out of shape at the present time. I had to use 40 pounds of assistance.

Lots of construction is going on at the "Y"..... Has been for many months.
Haven't been to any scheduled classes in a very long time.... Sometimes life gets in the way of training.
How is your training going? Do you sometimes find it difficult to get your workouts in?
Gotta run.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I do my 3 x 10 minute trainer stuff in the afternoon in the workout room - with the birds banging into the windows every once in a while. They must all have concussions...
Having seen a near pal going trough a difficult time due to a illness caused from tobacco I made it my own mission to rescue as much other individuals as possible from the same experience, but shortly I realized that regardless of how great the arguments are it's nearly impossible to make a smoker give up smoking cigarettes, not because the actual arguments are not good enough and not because the smoker is just not happy to stop but merely due to the fact smoking is really a even more addicting drug than heroin and cocaine (scientifically proven).
I Then realised that there's in fact a method to stop smoking with out quitting smoking, so leave the smoker his / her pleasure as well as habit but save him or her from the damaging effects of smoking.
What I am referring to are electronic cigarettes. You can read about all of the negative effects connected with smoking and the way an [url=http://electroniccigarette0.com/]electronic cigarette[/url] may help you quite smoking cigarettes or simply permit you to follow your routine and acquire your kick with no damaging side effects of cigarettes on my website http://electroniccigarette0.com
P.S. I am hoping this will not be erased because of having a link to my site as I merely attempt to inform and help.
Best wishes
Chrissy M.
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