This article made me remember that awful day.... and how lucky I am to be pretty consistant in the hydration department!!!
Weight Change During a 100-Mile Race
by Marty Hoffman, MDand Tamara Hew-Butler, DPM, PhD
"As is often the case in life, a little information can be dangerous. Then, as we learn more, we begin to recognize how complicated an issue really is and that we still have a lot to learn. Certainly, that’s been the situation with fluid and electrolyte balance during endurance exercise.
One thing that’s evident is that we’ve got to get beyond the idea that achieving proper fluid and electrolyte balance is simply a matter of replacing the water and electrolytes that are lost in sweat.

To finish the rest of this article click HERE!
I'd love to hear about your hydration issues.... so make sure to comment!
Gotta run.
Hi Stacey, yo make a good point in that hydration is a very personal thing. I for one am a heavy sweater, sometimes losing over 2litres in an hour on hotter days. This poses 2 problems, firstly consuming that volume while running without sloshing(with the right balance of electrolytes). Secondly even if I could drink that volume the body can even when trained only absorb 800ml-1 litre per hour.
So for me it's about keeping cool in other ways, proper clothing, hats, icing my head (not like a cake!) and running more efficiently so I'm not generating more heat.
Just wish I was more like you, but I guess you hear that all the time!!
tee hee... icing your head.... You're funny!!! :-)
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