Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Viewing tips for 'beginner runners' is helpful for me.

We all know that technically, I am not a beginner.  BUT, I feel like one.  Workouts that I used to think were a waste of a clean outfit..... are now my LONG runs.  I get winded.  I get cement legs.  I get discouraged.  It takes all my will power not to stop and walk. 

I think I need a refresher course. 

"The cardinal rule of the new runner is to be patient. Your body needs time to adapt to this new activity you're asking of it. It may be uncomfortable at first, but you'll begin to see results fairly quickly. All the same, it's important to build gradually. Newcomers should follow these three rules

  • Run more slowly than you think you should.
  • Don't run as far as you think you should.
  • Run more often than you think you should.
We know, we know: you're brimming with enthusiasm about your new running career. You're even surfing the Web looking for tips. You probably can't wait to start seeing the results, to start pushing your limits for maximum improvement in the minimum time. Be patient."

I've taken this blurb from an article in  To read the whole article click HERE!

If any of you are struggling to come back from an injury, please know that you aren't alone!

If you were injured and eventually worked your way back.... I'd love to hear about it.  How did you cope?  What are your words of wisdom?

Gotta keep myself determined.  


Margreet Dietz said...

Hi Stacey,

Thanks for commenting on a post on my website and your interest in my book Running Shoes Are a Girl's Best Friend (more info below).

Just reading your post here, my top recommendations are:
1. Find a coach who will keep you healthy with a solid training program. I had an online coach for five years who helped me improve my marathon time to 3:07 without injury as the mileage was conservative, with two rest days a week.
2. Get regular treatments from a therapist who understands you and your goals. I used to get deep tissue massage until an ITB problem in 2003 stopped me running. After much frustration and painful treatments someone recommended Active Release Techniques and that resolved the ITB problem. I now get preventative treatments, though less regular. I recently heard a recommendation on Intramuscular stimulation (IMS) treatments from a pro adventure racer though I have no experience with those.
3. Listen to your body. From my experience nearly every runner and triathlete gets an injury that stops them from training for a period. Often people get the same type of injury, so once you've had it you know what the symptoms are and when to take it easy in your training, or even take extra days off. Please check out this post with tips on how to take care of your runner's body.

As for my book, please see more info here

If you'd like to order one in paperback ($19.95), please send me your postal code so I can get a quote on shipping. You can also order the book through Amazon (in paperback or ebook), please see

Hope this helps!

Amir said...

Hey Stacey,
I feel your pain! I was sidelined with an IT Band injury two years ago and then I fell out my fitness routine while I was trying to finish my thesis. I started running again a couple weeks ago and instead of elation I felt like crying.

I am not a distance runner and I mostly stick to 10kms and I possess no credentials so I don't know if what is working (and it is still a work in progress!!) will work for you. But here is what I have done:
1. Left my garmin at home. I usually map out my run at home if I am doing distance and then not check my watch until I get back. If I am running for a set amount of time, then I don't check the distance. This has really helped me to let go of comparing myself to how fast I used to be or how I should be and just try to enjoy running for running.
2. I have been working with Alexander technique and trying to create a general awareness about my surroundings. So when things get tough (not painful as in injury painful) but just tough, I try to look up and around and focus on my general surroundings and not focus on the part of body that is achy or tired.
3.I am experimenting with various breathing techniques used by yogis to oxygenate their bodies before they begin a yoga practice to prevent the build up of lactic acid. If it works for my yoga, then maybe for my running.
4. and I have got a coach and I am slowly transitioning to the POSE method which is supposed to prevent common injuries.

Best of luck!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you both for your advice. I'm willing to try just about anything!!!
