``American History X'' shows how two Los Angeles brothers are drawn into a neo-Nazi skinhead gang, and why one decides to free himself. In telling their stories, the film employs the language of racism--the gutter variety and more sophisticated variations. The film is always interesting and sometimes compelling, and it contains more actual provocative thought than any American film on race since ``Do the Right Thing.''
Roger Ebert
I was thinking about this awesome movie today and how much I love Ed Norton in it. He does a great acting job..... and his body is H-O-T!!!!!!! I absolutely love the scene where he comes out of the house in the middle of the night and you see him shirtless walking down the street (preceding the "kick to the head, while the victim is biting the curb" scene.... yes, it's disturbing) .
He is just so sexy!!!!!

If you haven't seen this movie run out and get it!!! You won't be disappointed. Make sure to have some facial tissue ready for the ending!


Today I decided to give my legs a break. My knee is feeling tweeky and I don't want to take any chances. I only did some leg exercises and crunches. I have taken the extra time to catch up on some laundry and my blog reading.
Yesterday's chest and back workout rocked! I really missed it last week. Yoga helped me get some kinks out of the legs. I am still so amazed at how stiff my hip flexors are. My yoga studio offers a free session on Friday evenings..... I may add it into my schedule. Free is a great price, and it's only 5 minutes away.
Edward Norton was absolutely AMAZING in that movie. Excellent actor.
Ed Norton is a great actor... a bit underrated in my opinion.
American History X was a great movie too... did you know that a lot of the skinheads in the prison scenes were actually skinheads in real life?
I think that is part of why the movie was so convincing.
Had no idea wmd! It was very convincing. Thanks.
American History X is one of my top three favorite movies of all time. It really makes you think and gives you a glimpse of what these people with a lot of hate are thinking. Where this hate may have come from. Great movie for sure!
Great movie, one of his best.
Free yoga - sweet!
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