This is a women's rest room sign... I thought it was quite clever! It was in the Mexican restaurant Chipotle.

This was the lunch at the restaurant. Sat out on the patio!
This was the most amazing water feature that I have ever seen. There were several levels with small waterfalls and a grand display at the base of it (not pictured). I noticed it on my way to the Dallas Museum of Art. They were hosting the King Tut exhibit. They also had a few Picasso and Matisse paintings that were a must see.

This is the administration building that boasts the Sixth Floor Museum. It was a great tour!

I did not get a chance to taste anything deep fried.... unless chicken tenders count?
I only got the one run in and one session in the gym.... a bit disappointing. I came back to 29 degree weather (31 with the humidex (87F). It made for a very difficult 7 mile run yesterday. Mostly because I was quite dehydrated from my trip!
Now those are really cool pics. Now I really want to see Texas! Hmm... Rocky Racoon 100M? (Since Sunmart is now history...)
Rocky Raccoon may be something to think about!!!
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