Well I have been in bed for the past few days..... no exercise here!!! I have decided to start P90X all over again on Monday. I figure that I have missed more than I have done and that it wouldn't be right to just keep on going.
I am typing this on my new MacBook 13 inch LED - backlit widescreen notebook. So loving it!!!! Andrew gave me this as an early Birthday/ Xmas gift!!!!! I am so spoiled : ) I can't believe how fast and wonderful it is! I am very lucky!
Now I just have to get better so that I can be making running/ exercise related entries on this blog that is supposed to deal with Ultramarathon stuff. This down time is really hard on me. I feel like I have been training for so long and to now just stop seems wrong. I know my body needs the break and I am enjoying all the free time! Maybe I won't want to start back up!!! ???? haha
My official "running training" starts back up officially the first week of December. I am sure that the time will go by fast.
Congratulations on your babymac! We are a Mac-driven household and we love out computers. Garmin just needs to release their Mac support for the 405 (promised 4Q this year) and my life will be complete!
Best of luck with P90X. I did some Tony abs on Tuesday night and they're STILL sore!
Apple family here as well and good luck getting to feeling better. Not training is just no fun!!
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