I set off with all my gear in check and was on my way... I forgot to bring my cell phone and have lost my RoadID.

This will be the second RoadID that I have lost. I really suck. There would be no way for rescue people to identify my body..... hee hee. In all seriousness I believe that it's really important to have this sort of identification on.
Back to the run... It was a lovely morning... I was running along.... and BAM, I get hit in the face with a swarm of tiny bugs. What the hell kind of bugs are these? Hundreds just hover, in a couple of cubic feet, about 5 feet off the ground. What is their purpose? What makes them hang out in that one area? Wouldn't a tree or shrub be nicer? Grass is nice for bugs!!! I encountered about 4 of these bug masses on my run today. Note: If you are lucky enough to spot these pests first: hold your breath and squint your eyes and run right through them. If not, inhale them or eat them or get them in your eyes and hair.... What fun!!
I got to see a couple of rabbits frolicking... wish I had my phone to snap a picture.
At one point on my run I saw 2 men in the distance walking their dogs. There was a really tall, semi-built man, with a tiny dog. The humorous part was that he was carrying a grocery bag for poop scoopin'. He could have used a "snack baggie" for the poop that would have come out of that dog.... it made me smile! I ended up seeing the pair again, further into my run, and chatted with them for a minute whilst I gave the pups a pat on the head.
I had worn my Nathan hydration vest but I was running out of water. I really don't like the vest for summer use as the sweat just starts pouring off my back (almost immediately). Sometimes I get a heat rash from it... bleh! Anyways, I was very lucky that my friend Rick and his wife Tammy had given me permission to use the washroom facilities in their garage. They also gave me permission to help myself to the water in the fridge. I had to go a little out of my way (thus the additional 2km). No one was home and this was the first time that I took them up on the offer. I felt a bit strange but the pee and the splashing of water on my face was wonderful. I filled up my Nathan bladder with tap water... I didn't quite feel comfortable enough to just help myself in the fridge. Maybe next time!!!
I ended up running into Rick on my way home. He was completing his 12.7 mile walk. Thanks again Rick for the use of your facilities!!!!
Just a couple of other interesting things... I saw a small school bus that had been "Pimped". It was painted black and had flames on the hood and sides!!!! The S and H from the SCHOOL BUS sign that is above the windsheild were blackened out... giving us the COOL BUS!! What fun!! The second point of interest was that a minivan that was driving by and slowed right down. A woman poked her head out and gave me a thumbs up and said "Great job" (or something like that... can't remember now). I imagine she must have seen me running a few hours earlier. let me tell you how uplifting that was. I was feeling pretty crappy as my hip, ITB and knee were causing a fair bit of pain. I felt pretty good for a short while after that. Amazing how just a simple comment can help your mood and affect how you feel physically. A special thanks goes out to that woman... she'll never know how much her comment helped.
To complete this posting I must discuss my leg issue. Since my race I have been experiencing a lot of pain in my left. I can't ignore it any more. I don't want to become an injury that will prevent me from running my next race. I am not going to run for the next six days. I will try to fix this before I need medical assistance. Lots of ice and stretching and my foam roller!!! Wish me luck!!!
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