let's just say that this run was the longest run that I have done on a trail to date. It was hard! I found that I got real bored real fast. The mud was horrific! Talk about getting your shoes "sucked off"! I slid down most hills and found it very difficult to keep my footing. I really wanted to be somewhere else! I felt like I was just wandering around without purpose...... Blah! On a more positive note... found some trails that I had not noticed before. Unfortunately, they were far too muddy for me to keep drudging though.
I did run into a gentle man that had 2 (what I thought to be, Greyhounds) Whippets. As he explained.... Greyhounds are taller but, otherwise the same!

I was very thankful that the run finally ended... I was not looking forward to my long run the following day:(
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