I putzd around getting my outfit together, getting my nutrition all figured out, looking for my good socks, blah, blah, blah. Finally, got out just before 11am. The weather was wonderful!! I was so lucky because the weather has been cold, windy, and snowy for my last two long runs:)
I got as far as 3 miles when I felt like I was going to poo myself. I had cramps and had to run squeezing my sphincter together. You may know the feeling?! It only lasted 2 miles!!!!! Yippee!!
I got about 3 miles past the downtown Amherstburg area and realized that a beautiful area surrounds us. There were water filled inlets that opened up to larger bodies of water. Lots of ducks to bee seen!!! There were some great houses also!!! I love to critique peoples' homes and borrow ideas from them.
At 9 miles I was passing an elementary school that was "out for lunch" or recess. A group of children were hollering at me and waving. I waved back and turned down my music so that I could hear them. This is what I heard. "Hey.... stupid running person!!!" "Run, run... what's your name?", "Ya big stupid". Those #@$%ing kids!!! I turned up the volume and continued along. My mood quickly changed as I tried to figure out what song was playing.......... " My humps, my humps, my lovely lady lumps!" tee hee. I had forgotten that I threw a couple of funny songs in!!! My mood quickly improved as I tried to sing along with the few words that I knew! I crack myself up! I was later inspired by a surprise rendition of "I'm bringing sexy back"!! couldn't remember putting that song on either:)
At the halfway mark I realized that I was about 5 minutes slower that I had wanted. No worries though. I felt petty good! The return trip was not eventful. The "shuffle running" started about 16 miles in. I really perked up with 4 miles to go! I ended up running the 23 miles in 3:59:14.
9 minutes and 14 seconds longer than I had hoped. I am still happy, as my training program had me increase more than 10% this past week!
My big toenail's are sore, and my legs are achey!
Soooooo glad this run is over. Must start mentally preparing for next weeks run!!!!
Blogged with Flock
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